Fletcher Construction

Head Office

Fletcher House
810 Great South Road
Penrose, Auckland 1061
New Zealand

Postal: Private Bag 92 114
Auckland 1142
New Zealand

Phone: +64 9 525 9000
Major Projects

Level 2
Fletcher House
810 Great South Road
Auckland 1061
New Zealand

Postal: Private Bag 92059
Auckland 1142

Buildings - Auckland region and head office

812 Great South Road
Auckland 1061
New Zealand

Postal: Private Bag 92060
Auckland 1142

Phone: +64 9 579 9979

Lot 28, Stella Marie Estate
Teouma Road
Second Lagoon
Port Vila, Vanuatu

Postal: PO Box 167
Port Vila, Vanuatu

Phone: +67 8 24934
Fletcher Morobe Construction

Saraga Street
Six Mile
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

Postal: PO Box 848
Port Moresby, National Capital District

Fletcher Higgins Fiji Tavua Michael Valente Country Manager - Fiji

Goldfield Road

Postal: PO Box 1359, Tavua


Phone: 00679 6680088
Fletcher Higgins Fiji Lautoka Michael Valente Country Manager - Fiji

Queens Road, Lomolomo, Lautoka

Postal: PO Box 11581, Nadi Airport, Fiji


Phone: 00679 2207376
Fletcher Higgins Fiji Suva Michael Valente Country Manager - Fiji

Shop 29 & 30, First Floor, Modyl Plaza, Karsanji Street


Phone: 00679 2218711

Brian Perry Civil

Head Office

Level 1, Fletcher House Tahi
810 Great South Road
Auckland 1061

Postal: PO Box 112 150
Auckland 1642

Phone: +64 9 526 3500
Auckland Chris Turner Regional Manager

18 Gabador Place
Mt Wellington
Auckland 1060
New Zealand

Postal: PO Box 62216
Auckland 1642

Phone: +64 9 573 0690
Hamilton Adam Plimmer Regional Manager

25 Vickery Street
Te Rapa
Hamilton 3200
New Zealand

Postal: PO Box 10068
Hamilton 3241

Phone: +64 7 849 2879

112 Newton Street
Mt Maunganui
Tauranga 3116

Phone: +64 7 849 2879
Hawke's Bay

48 Niven Street
Napier 4110

Phone: +64 7 849 2879
Wellington Blair Mould Regional Manager

35 Takapu Road
Grenada North
Wellington 5028
New Zealand

Postal: PO Box 51269
Wellington 5249

Phone: +64 4 232 9442

Level 1, 540 Wairakei Road
Burnside 8053
New Zealand

Phone: 0800 272 242


Auckland John Cross Regional Manager

Offenhauser Drive
East Tamaki
Auckland 2013

Postal: PO Box 51118, Pakuranga,
Auckland 2140

Phone: 09 273 7300
East Waikato

East Waikato NOC
23 Anderson Street
Morrinsville 3300

Phone: 07 889 8550
Bay of Plenty Dean Taylor Regional Manager

92 Hewletts Road
Mount Maunganui 3116

Postal: PO Box 4473, Mount Maunganui South, Mount Maunganui 3149

Phone: 07 574 4100
Waikato Dion Sinclair Regional Manager

50 Gallagher Drive
Hamilton 3206
Postal: PO Box 5357, Frankton, Hamilton 3242

Phone: 07 843 1790

334 Te Ngae Road
Rotorua 3010

Postal: PO Box 10167 Rotorua 3046

Phone: 07 349 3800
Taupō Mathew Fletcher Manager

780 Rakaunui Road
Taupo 3378

Postal: PO Box 1488, Taupō 3351

Phone: 07 376 9410
Bulk Bitumen & Manufacturing Sean Bearsley National Bitumen Operations Manager

Napier Port
PO Box 421
Napier 4140

Postal: PO Box 421, Napier Port, Napier 4140

Phone: 06 834 0264
Hawke's Bay Ricky Nugent Branch Manager

27 Waitangi Road
Napier 4110

Postal: PO Box 421, Napier 4140

Phone: 06 835 7288

129 Hautapu Street,
Taihape 4720

Phone: 06 388 1841
Waipukurau Dick Hurae Senior Contracts Manager

17 Lindsay Road, RD3
Waipukurau 4283

Postal: PO Box 61, Waipukurau 4242

Phone: 06 858 9151

48 Russell Street
Marton 4710

Phone: 06 327 4069
Manawatū-Whanganui Matt Tipping Regional Manager

124 Keith Street
Palmerston North

Phone: 06 357 1025
Levin Johan Van Wyk Branch Manager

48 Tararua Road
Levin 5571

Postal: PO Box 1020, Levin 5540

Phone: 06 366 0006

Ruahine Street
Paraparaumu 5032

Postal: PO Box 207 Paraparaumu, 5254

Phone: 04 298 4924
Wairarapa Nick Hamblyn Branch Manager

State Highway 2
Postal: PO Box 193, Masterton

Phone: 06 370 0444
Wellington Ed Gane Regional Manager

40 Glover Street
Wellington 6035

Postal: PO Box 13434, Johnsonville, Wellington 6440

Phone: 04 472 8460
Christchurch Shaun Perrin Regional Manager

63 Pilkington Way
Christchurch 8042

Postal: PO Box 6177, Upper Riccarton, Christchurch 8442

Phone: 03 341 4370
Approach Signs Limited Greg Dobson Manager

58 Ruahine Street, Paraparaumu 5032

Postal: PO Box 207, Paraparaumu 5254

Phone: 04 298 2981
Specialised Engineering Services Greg Dobson Manager

109 Keith Street, Roslyn
Palmerston North 4414

Postal: PO Box 752, Palmerston North 4440

Phone: 06 358 0573
Liveable Streets Gordon Brown Contracts Manager

South Rural Auckland
22 Norrie Road
Drury 2113

Fletcher Higgins Fiji Tavua Michael Valente Country Manager - Fiji

Goldfield Road

Postal: PO Box 1359, Tavua


Phone: 00679 6680088
Fletcher Higgins Fiji Lautoka Michael Valente Country Manager - Fiji

Queens Road, Lomolomo, Lautoka

Postal: PO Box 11581, Nadi Airport, Fiji


Phone: 00679 2207376
Fletcher Higgins Fiji Suva Michael Valente Country Manager - Fiji

Shop 29 & 30, First Floor, Modyl Plaza, Karsanji Street


Phone: 00679 2218711

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